Completion of Internship
In a simple ceremony, the Media Council Secretariat (Secretariat) bid farewell to four interns; Ms. Roshme Powdel, Ms. Punam Tamang, Ms. Sonam Tshogy [...]
New Head joins the Media Council Secretariat.
Ms. Tshering Wangmo formally joins the Media Council Secretariat (Secretariat) on 8th September 2021. Ms. Wangmo will Head the Secretariat. The Board [...]

The Media Council of Bhutan elects its new Chairperson
The Media Council of Bhutan elected its new Chairperson during the third Board meeting held on 24th June, 2021. Mr. Needrup Zangpo is currently se [...]
Official Joins MCB
Official on transfer joins Media Council: Ms. Thinlay Zangmo, Information and Media Officer has formally joined the Media Council (MCB) on transfer f [...]
Launch of Strategic Plan
The Media Council has launched its First Strategic Plan for the 12th Five Year Plan (2020-2023). This Strategic Plan has been developed as a blueprin [...]
Press Day Celebrations In New Delhi (14-18 November 2019)
On the invitation of the Press Council of India, the Chairman of the Media Council accompanied by two officials visited New Delhi, India from 15-18 N [...]
The First Board Meeting
The Board Members and Member-Secretary of the Media Council of Bhutan. The First Board Meeting was held on 30th October 2019. [...]